Interactive Educational Quiz Interactive Educational Quiz 1. A gynecological surgeon is performing a hysterectomy for a case of endometriosis with pelvic adhesions. On opening the abdomen, multiple adhesions are obscuring pelvic anatomy. Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding normal pelvic anatomy? A. The ureter lies beneath the uterine artery B. The mucosa of the fallopian tube is lined by ciliated cells C. The pouch of Douglas lies between the bladder and the uterus D. External iliac artery lies superior to the ovarian fossa Next 2. What are the specific parts of the fallopian tube involved in tubal microsurgery for re-anastomosis, performed in a patient who previously underwent tubal ligation? A. Infundibulum-isthmus-ampullary -intramural B. Ampulla -isthmus -intramural -infundibulum C. Infundibulum -Ampulla- Isthmus -Intramural D. Isthmus- Ampulla- Infundibulum- Intramural Next 3. Which of the following parts of the fallopian tube is the shortest and narrowest? A. Interstitial B. Isthmus C. Ampulla D. Infundibulum Next 4. Which hormone is most likely responsible for causing a high eosinophilic index observed in the lateral vaginal wall smear of a 30-year-old woman with irregular delayed cycles? A. LH B. Estrogenic effect C. Progesterone effect D. Prolactin effect Next 5. Which of the following structures does not play a role in maintaining the normal position of the uterus? A. Uterosacral ligaments B. Cardinal ligament C. Broad ligament D. Levator ani Next 6. Which ligament is responsible for maintaining the uterus in a normal position? A. Cardinal ligament B. Uterosacral ligament C. Infundibulopelvic ligament D. Round ligament Next 7. What is the most probable diagnosis for a 28-year-old woman with a painless cystic swelling in the upper 1/3rd of the anterolateral vaginal wall? A. Bartholin’s cyst B. Gartner’s duct cyst C. Cervical polyp D. Vaginal Inclusion Cyst Next 8. What is the best description of the lesions found around the hymen in a 29-year-old woman during a routine pap smear? A. Remnants of the Mullerian duct B. Healing Bartholin's cysts C. Remnants of the Wolffian duct D. Remnants of the hymen Next 9. What is the recommended next step in the management of a 7-year-old girl presenting with mild lower abdominal pain, who has not yet reached menarche, and a pelvic ultrasound revealing a uterus, cervix, and bilateral ovaries with a cervical length double that of the uterine? A. Evaluation for hypoplastic uterus B. No intervention C. A pelvic examination to assess cervical elongation D. MRI pelvis to assess associated anomalies Next 10. Which nerve is most likely to be injured following major pelvic surgery? A. Injury to the obturator nerve B. Femoral nerve injury C. Injury to the pudendal nerve D. Injury to the uterosacral nerve Next 11. In which type of cancer has sentinel lymph node biopsy been most extensively utilized and demonstrated to be valuable in staging and management, effectively reducing morbidity and mortality associated with radical lymph node dissection? A. Ca Fallopian tube B. Ca endometrium C. Ca vagina D. Ca Vulva Next 12. What is the subsequent management step for uncontrolled bleeding in the Retzius space during a Burch operation for urinary incontinence in a 38-year-old woman? A. Call a vascular surgeon B. Give a generalized suture in the bleeding area C. Lift endopelvic fascia by putting fingers in the vagina D. Placing surgical drain Next 13. The histology of the female reproductive tract has clinical significance. A research project was conducted to study the details of human epithelial cells in the female reproductive tract. A researcher focuses on a particular cell type called "Peg cells". Which of the following is the common site of peg cells? A. Fallopian tubes B. Ovary C. Vulva D. Vagina Submit Quiz
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